BE Pennypacker, LLC. Apps

Budgeting Buddy 1.0.1
Quickly capture your income and expensesforthe month. Budgeting Buddy lets you jot down your numbersprovidinginstant feedback about the strength of your budget. Useenvelopeswithout even trying. Each expense amount will go towardsanenvelope which will accumulate funds every month until youspendit. Need to quickly add a couple of paychecks or billstogether?Don't reach for that calculator. Just enter a simpleequation intoany money field and let Budgeting Buddy do the mathfor you. Wantto track your financial health? Keep track of what youown and whatyou owe and let Budgeting Buddy figure out your networth. Captureyour checking account and credit card transactions soyou know whatyour money is up to at any given moment.Capture your monthly budget•  Budgeting Buddy lets you quickly jot down your incomeandexpenses providing instant feedback about the strength ofyourbudget.Use envelopes without even trying•  Budgeting Buddy uses the envelope system to track yourexpenses.Each expense amount will go towards an envelope whichwillaccumulate funds every month until you spend it.Do some quick math•  Need to quickly add a couple of paychecks or billstogether?Don't reach for that calculator. Just enter a simpleequation intoany money field and let Budgeting Buddy do the mathfor you.Track your financial health•  Keep track of what you own and what you owe and letBudgetingBuddy figure out your net worth.•  Capture your checking account and credit card transactions soyouknow what your money is up to at any given moment.Available at home or on the go•  Budgeting Buddy works on your phone, tablet, orcomputer.Everything you enter syncs across all your devices. TryBudgetingBuddy on the web at
Distance Converter 1.3
Convert miles to kilometers or kilometers to miles. Great forrunners, cyclists or drivers. Also great for figuring out distancesin foreign countries.